Thursday, September 5, 2013

New places

Usually moving new places is hard.
Lets' be honest.
ONe: you have to make new friends.
TWo: you need a Job
THREe: Making new friends is hard
FOUr: You kinda have to like the place.
Well ladies and gentle men;
 I have done all of the above! It may have taken all summer, but I have Accomplished it and it makes me pretty happy.
Making new friends can be tricky especially if you are a senior in high school, but its not impossible.
In fact, the word itself says " I'm Possible" coincidence?
 I think not.
If you can make at least one new friend the day you start you are off in the right direction :)
All you have to do is be happy and enjoy the experience instead of dreading it; Because think about it, if you're going to go into a new place, chances are people aren't going to make the first move, but if you make the first move to talk to someone they must just think..... " hey, this girls pretty cool...." then BAM new friend.
I went into it thinking this way, not really worried about the people who already have their groups of friends because from the first day I decided that this year is going to be awesome.
Because I believe  I'm going to be awesome.
So far I love where I am.
I love my school...
I love my friends...
I love put up with my job....
plus I'm loving my house.
because for once it's starting to feel like a home again.
Stay Golden  xxo

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